About Monero
Payment Solutions

Accepting Payments With You In Mind

Monero Payment Solutions was started in 2017 with the purpose of revolutionizing the payments industry and providing merchants with the best service possible. In that time we have helped thousands of merchants save money and keep up to date with the fast-paced payments industry. We aim to do the same with you so you can see the difference.

What We Do?

We help clients accept payments and process in the most low cost and efficient way.

Why Monero Payment Solutions?

We strive to provide the best services and solutions for our clients.

Meet The Team

Dren Nika

CEO / Founder
Dren Nika is the founder of Monero Payment Solutions.

Jocelyne Martinez

Relationship Manager
Jocelyne Martinez has been in the merchant services industry for over 5 years.

Jason Pirovic

Sales Manager
Jason Pirovic has been in the merchant services industry for over 5 years.

Dennis Radoncic

Sales Consultant
Dennis Radoncic has been in the merchant services industry for over 5 years.

Abraham A

Sales Consultant
Abraham has been in the merchant services industry for over 5 years.